The Incredible Truth About Funeral Costs

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    You may be in for a shock if you are about to plan a funeral.

    A third more expensive than a decade ago, a funeral in the UK will cost on average £4054 (and £8,864 if you include professional fees and send-off costs). Furthermore, prices in London have gone up by 2.3% to £5,358.

    Those already suffering from a reduced income due to the pandemic are struggling to cover funeral costs. More than 17% of families are experiencing financial issues, with over 1/3 having to resort to using their savings or investments to pay for a funeral. More than ¼ are borrowing from friends and family members.

    Surprisingly, however, statistics show that funeral costs have fallen for the first time in 18 years. This data has been revealed by SunLife’s Cost of Dying Report – the most extensive study into funeral prices. The average cost is actually £128 cheaper than in 2020.

    Coronavirus restrictions impacted the way we plan funerals. During the pandemic, people held funerals with fewer attendees, and cut back on venue hire and transport. Webcast funerals also became a trend in lockdown. These cost-effective approaches have continued in 2022. In an effort to keep the cost down, people are considering buying cheaper coffins and spending less on flowers.

    Some people are able to qualify for the Government’s Funeral Expenses Payment. You may be eligible if you receive certain benefits, such as tax credits, income support, housing benefit, or income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance. You will also be required to meet the criteria regarding the nature of your relationship to the deceased. If you wish to use our probate services, we can provide you more information on this financial help.

    People are also exploring other avenues to afford funerals, such as claiming costs from the deceased’s estate, paying by instalments, or even using the bank account of the person who has died.

    Time will tell what will happen to funeral prices as we move from pandemic to endemic. Undoubtedly, people will strive to cover costs through creative and innovative methods in the months to come.

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